Your children are important to Brush Creek Church of God. We have qualified children’s ministry workers to take care of your children’s ministry needs. Your child will receive Biblical teaching and love from our staff. Our Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM Sunday, and teaches your child key life values and the hope God offers through an intimate relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ, using stories from the Bible, songs, games and hands-on crafts. A high adult-to-child ratio assures much personal attention. During our worship service at 10:30 AM, we have a nursery for infants-3yrs, and Jr. Church for 3 yrs-6th grade; the Jr Church builds on the theme of the month with additional stories and activities to reinforce the lesson.
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 we have Kings Kids, which also builds on the Bible theme of the week The Kings Kids also have extra activities and outings on occasion as a special treat, such as bumper bowling, picnics, and special guests. Your child can attend any or all of these classes; each can stand alone as a quality learning experience, yet all build on each other. [During the summer the regular Wednesday program is suspended.] Call for special children’s events.
Once a month we have a special “Family Fun Night” with a movie, games and food. It is the culmination of all that they have learned for the month. This is for the children as well as the parents.